National Income 11/12/2022 One Mark Solution Economics 0 19 Created by One Mark Solution National Income MCQs [Set1] 1 / 10 1) GDPfc = GDPmp + …………………. a) NFIA b) Depreciation c) NIT d) Indirect Tax 2 / 10 2) Which of the following is intermediate product? a) Pulses purchased by consumers b) Wheat used by household c) Machine purchased by a firm d) Wheat used by flour mill 3 / 10 3) Which of the following is a flow concept? a) All of the above b) GDP at MP c) Capital Formation d) Change in stock 4 / 10 4) Depreciation means: a) Destruction of a factory due to fire b) Loss in fixed assets due to normal wear and tear c) Loss in fixed assets due to earthquake d) Shut-down of a factory due to strike 5 / 10 5) Which of these is transfer income? a) Profit b) Wages c) Rent d) Gifts received from abroad 6 / 10 6) While estimating national income, depreciation is measured from: a) Intermediate goods b) Capita Goods c) Final Goods d) Durable Consumer goods 7 / 10 7) If the money value of final goods and services produced by normal residents of a country in a year, measured at the prices of the current year then it is called as: a) GDP at Current price b) Real GDP c) National Product d) GDP at constant Price 8 / 10 8) Which of these is not a component of operating surplus? a) Rent b) Royalty c) Interest d) Wages 9 / 10 9) Domestic income is greater than National Income if a) None of these b) NFIA is zero c) NFIA is negative d) NFIA is positive 10 / 10 10) The net value at Market Price of final goods and services during an accounting year within the domestic territory of a country is known as a) GDPmp b) GDPfc c) NDPmp d) NNPfc Name Your score is The average score is 43% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz Send feedback Spread the love
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