CBSE Term 1 Sample Paper Analysis
Important Points for Sample Question Papers
The following points are to be noted while studying/referring to the Sample Papers for Classes X & XII Term 1 for the academic session 2021-22:
- The Multiple Choice Questions given in the sample papers are not of one mark each for all papers.
- In the SQPs of Mathematics and all languages except English, each question carries one mark.
- For other subjects, each question carries equal marks viz.-a-viz. the total marks given i.e. 40 or 35or 25 or 15 and the weightage of marks per question will be as follows:-
40 | 50 | 0.80 |
35 | 50 | 0.70 |
40 | 45 | 0.88 |
35 | 45 | 0.77 |
25 | 40 | 0.625 |
15 | 25 | 0.60 |
If total marks scored by a candidate is in fraction, then the same will be rounded off to the next higher numerical number.
for example, if the child gets 16.1 marks then the total marks will be rounded off to 17 and so on.
CBSE Term 1 Sample Paper Analysis – Accountancy
Total Parts | Total Questions | No. of Questions to be attempted | Marks per Question |
Part 1 | 41 | 34 | 0.88 |
Part 2 & Part 3 (any one) | 14 | 11 | 0.88 |
55 | 45 |
The accountancy question paper comprises three PARTS – I, II, and III. There are 69 questions in the question paper.
Part – I -is compulsory for all candidates.
Part-I contains three Sections -A, B, and C.
Section A has questions from 1 to 18 (18 Questions). you have to attempt any 15 questions.
Sec B has questions from 19 to 36 (18 Questions). you have to attempt any 15 questions and
Sec C has questions from 37 to 41 (5 Questions). You have to attempt any 4 questions.
Part – II Analysis of Financial Statement and
Part -III Computerized Accounting.
You have to attempt only one from PART II and PART III of the given OPTIONS.
Part II, contains two Sections – A and B.
Section A has questions from 42 to 48, you have to attempt any 5 questions and
Section B has questions from 49 to 55, you have to attempt any 6 questions.
Part III, contains two Sections – A and B.
Section A has questions from 49 to 62, you have to attempt any 5 questions.
Section B has questions from 63 to 69, you have to attempt any 6 questions.
All questions carry equal marks. There is no negative marking.
Specific Instructions related to each Part and subdivisions (Section) is mentioned clearly before the questions. Candidates should read them thoroughly and attempt accordingly.
Accountancy Sample Paper Term 1 Download pdf
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