The Rattrap Extract Based MCQs with Answers

The Rattrap

The Rattrap Extract Based MCQs with answers

Extract Based Questions – 1

“Since you have been so nice to me all day long as if I was a captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain — for I do not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief; but you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor wanderers.
The rattrap is a Christmas present from a rat who would have been caught in this world’s rattrap if he had not been raised to captain, because in that way he got power to clear himself.
“Written with friendship
and high regard,
Captain von Stahle.”


1. Which of the following CANNOT be attributed to the peddler, according to the above extract?
a) indebtedness
b) reform
c) self-pity
d) self-awareness


Answer: c) self-pity

2. Why did the peddler gift a rattrap as a Christmas present?
a) It was all the peddler had that he could give away, and represented his turn to honesty.
b) It symbolized his successful escape from entrapment as he returned the stolen money.
c) It served as a reminder for Edla to be wary of the dangerous temptations of the world.
d) It was a practical and convenient present that the lady of the house could effectively use.


Answer: a) It was all the peddler had that he could give away, and represented his turn to honesty.

3. The word ‘frame’ has been used to indicate a rigid structure that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or windowpane. There are other meanings of ‘frame’ too.
Choose the option that DOES NOT list the meaning of ‘frame’.

1. A person’s body with reference to its size or build
2. A single complete picture in a series forming a cinema, television, or video film
3. The triangular structure for positioning the red balls in snooker
4. A thin solid object that seals a container or hole; a lid

a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)


Answer: d) Option (4)

4. This communication includes
1) a promise
2) regret
3) an apology
4) shame

a) only 4
b) only 1
c) 1 & 3
d) 2 & 4


Answer: c) 1 & 3

Extract Based Questions – 2

The Rattrap Extract Based MCQs with Answers

…it was a big and confusing forest which he had gotten into. He tried, to be sure, to walk in a definite direction, but the paths twisted back and forth so strangely! He walked and walked without coming to the end of the wood, and finally he realised that he had only been walking around in the same part of the forest. All at once he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap. Now his own turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught. The whole forest, with its trunks and branches, its thickets and fallen logs, closed in upon him like an impenetrable prison from which he could never escape.


1. How would you characterize the mood of the above extract?
a) mysterious, restful
b) ominous, despairing
c) thoughtful, whimsical
d) philosophical, anguished


Answer: b) ominous, despairing

2. By what bait had the peddler been fooled?
a) He had chosen to take the ‘safe’ forest route.
b) He had decided to avoid the public highway.
c) He had stolen money from the trusting crofter.
d) He didn’t realize the power of his rattrap analogy.


Answer: c) He had stolen money from the trusting crofter.

3. The consequence of ‘his own turn’ having come was that the peddler had _
a) got irreversibly lost in the thick, warped forest.
b) been fooled and imprisoned in a hopeless prison.
c) been walking around the same part of the forest.
d) walked the whole forest without finding the end.


Answer: a) got irreversibly lost in the thick, warped forest.

4. The above extract richly employs literary devices. Look at the table below. Choose the option that correctly matches the instances/ examples in Column A with the literary devices in Column B:

Column AColumn B
1. The forest closed in upon the peddler like an impenetrable prison.(i) Imagery
2. The big and confusing forest with its twisted paths, trunks, branches, thickets and fallen logs.(ii) Allegory
3. The lost peddler was reminded of the world and the rattrap.(iii) Metaphor
It was a big and confusing forest which he had gotten into. The peddler had been fooled and was trapped in the forest.(iv) Simile

a) 1 – (i) ; 2 – (ii) ; 3 – (iii) ; 4 – (iv)
b) 1 – (iv) ; 2 – (i) ; 3 – (ii) ; 4 – (iii)
c) 1 – (iii) ; 2 – (iv) ; 3 – (i) ; 4 – (ii)
d) 1 – (ii) ; 2 – (iii) ; 3 – (iv) ; 4 – (I)


Answer: b) 1 – (iv) ; 2 – (i) ; 3 – (ii) ; 4 – (iii)

Standalone MCQs

The Rattrap Extract Based MCQs with Answers

Created on By One Mark Solution

The Rattrap Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) (Set 1)

1 / 10

1) Where has the story been set up?

2 / 10

2) In what manner has the story been narrated?

3 / 10

3) Which country does the author belong to?

4 / 10

4) Whom does this story revolve around?

5 / 10

5) Which metal is extracted from the mines in the country in reference?

6 / 10

6) Why did the Peddler have to resort to begging and thievery?

7 / 10

7) Why does the Peddler knit up various thoughts?

8 / 10

8) Who is the author of the story “The Rattrap”?

9 / 10

9) What does the rattrap seller resort to, at times, make his both ends meet?

10 / 10

10) From where did the Peddler get the material to make rattraps?

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